Young Moms’ Media Needs

March 15, 2016 • English

Crc News Btgmi 031516

Ten moms of children ages 1-11 met at Alger Park Church in Grand Rapids, MI to discuss how media influences their lives and faith. The event was sponsored by ReFrame Media, the English outreach of ReFrame Ministries. It provided valuable information for the production team as they “develop resources that speak to real people,” noted Christy Prins, who facilitated the discussion.

Christy, a young mom herself, led the participants through questions like: What types of media do you use and how much? What media do your children use? What kinds of activities do you do for spiritual growth and how does media play a part in that?

The women, who ranged from stay-at-home moms, to part-time employees, to those who work full-time, indicated that women in the 23-39 age group are looking for “brain food” as well as ways to stay in touch with other women and connecting with the world. They use a broad variety of media—everything from mobile devices to car radios.

Most of the attendees agreed that as important as media is in their lives, connecting face-to-face helps each feel more fed than just receiving snippets on media. However, in a period of their lives when they experience days of feeling isolated from the world, they lean on social media outlets to keep them engaged in friendships and up-to-date on news and information.

The moms all try to manage the ways they use media, especially with and around their children. They look for engaging, quality programming to entertain their children or that might teach their children good values. One mom lamented the way too many “Christian” programs are of comparatively poor quality or force a Bible verse into the story in “cheesy ways.”

“We need this input,” says Christy. “We don’t want to make assumptions about what we think women need for spiritual growth. This discussion helped us learn what real people use and want.”

Khara DeWit, who helped gather the group of women for ReFrame’s discussion, commented, “It is so important for moms in this fast-paced life to connect with good media. It is so lacking. I’m excited that people in Christian media are thinking about this need.”

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