Your Prayers Have Impact

Without your prayers, this ministry wouldn’t happen. Please join us in praying for people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pray that God will use ReFrame Ministries to help grow His church worldwide!


This Month's Prayer Requests


English Ministry – Today devotional: Pray for peace and comfort for Jackie, a Today reader who shared that she recently lost her son in a car accident. “I’m having trouble understanding why he was taken,” Jackie said. “My heart is broken.”

Japanese Ministry – Japan: Pray for Yuki, who listens to our Japanese ministry programs faithfully and wants to share them with her loved ones. Pray for courage to share God’s Word, and pray that Yuki’s family will be open to hearing the good news of Jesus.

Chinese Ministry: Pray for opportunities to share the gospel in mainland China and beyond. In recent years large numbers of people have moved from the mainland to Hong Kong for work. Pray for our Hong Kong-based partners as they support local churches in reaching newcomers from the mainland.

French Ministry – Burkina Faso: Pray for opportunities to continue sharing the gospel in a Muslim-majority context in West Africa. Tindano, a faithful listener of our radio broadcasts there, is a Christian and journalist, and she recently asked our French ministry team to expand their broadcast to include non-Christian radio stations so that the message can reach a wider area.

English Ministry—Kids Corner: Praise God for Chandler, a nine-year-old who recently shared a song that he enjoys on ReFrame’s Kids Corner website and podcast with his congregation. Praise God for Chandler’s growing faith and for the opportunity he took to share his faith with others.