Your Prayers Have Impact

Without your prayers, this ministry wouldn’t happen. Please join us in praying for people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pray that God will use ReFrame Ministries to help grow His church worldwide!


This Month's Prayer Requests


English Ministry – Today devotional: Pray for Drew, a Today reader who recently asked for prayers for sobriety. Ask God to grant him the strength and courage to become sober and to overcome his struggles with drinking and drugs. Pray that he’ll find the support he needs and be able to restore his relationships with family members.

Japanese Ministry – Japan: A woman named Nanaho responded to our Japanese audio program online after hearing about the challenges of living out one’s faith despite having family members who are nonbelievers. Pray for Nanaho and many others who want to share their faith with their loved ones.

Arabic Ministry – Egypt: ReFrame’s Arabic ministry partners are working on a program to guide the children of pastors and support them psychologically and emotionally. Pray that these new media programs will ultimately reach pastors and their children who may be hurting.

Spanish Ministry – Mexico: ReFrame’s Spanish ministry partners ask you to pray for the political situation in Mexico. With recent political violence and a deteriorating relationship between Mexico and Ecuador, ReFrame’s partners are experiencing some interruption.

Russian Ministry – Ukraine: Pray for Pastor Andre, who partners with ReFrame in Ukraine. Often our Russian ministry partners in Pastor Andre’s area connect their followers with Andre and his church. Pray that he and other church members may be able to meet the needs of people who connect with them during the ongoing war.