Your Prayers Have Impact

Without your prayers, this ministry wouldn’t happen. Please join us in praying for people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pray that God will use ReFrame Ministries to help grow His church worldwide!


This Month's Prayer Requests


English Ministry – Family Fire: Pray for Tessa, a woman who is facing marital reconciliation challenges. Her ex-husband is willing to try again but struggles with negativity. Ask for healing in their relationship and wisdom to navigate this difficult time. May God’s will prevail amid spiritual warfare.

Japanese Ministry – Japan: Praise God for Mariko in Japan, whose faith journey began through ReFrame’s Asa no Kotoba (“Morning Word”) audio program. A broadcast on peacemaking and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 led Mariko to explore Scripture, attend church, and be baptized. Pray for her continued growth and for the program’s ongoing impact.

Portuguese Ministry – Brazil: Pray for Anna, who, with her children, follows our Portuguese ministry. They are facing difficult living conditions and humiliation in their extended family. Ask for God’s provision for them, and for strength, peace, and healing. May the Lord’s wisdom and intervention improve their situation while preserving family relationships.

French Ministry – Burkina Faso: Pray for Sanata, a Muslim-background believer in Burkina Faso who is forbidden by her father to attend church. Ask for wisdom as she balances faith and family. May God give her strength in her new Christian walk and work in the hearts of her father and other family members as well.

Hindi Ministry – India: Praise God for a successful cake-baking training attended by 25 participants. The training session combined gospel sharing with income-generating skills. Ask that the bonds formed during this event may strengthen the community and deepen their walk with Christ.