Showing Christ's Love to New Parents

March 02, 2020 • English


Julia (pictured above) estimates that she has assisted with 200 births in her role as a doula. Although each experience is different, the conversation usually begins the same way.

“When people consider hiring me, I tell them straight out that I am a Christian and that I am willing to pray with them if they want me to,” Julia says. “That usually opens up the conversation to how they feel about religion.”

For women and couples who decide to move forward, Julia tries to begin the professional, supportive relationship well before it’s time for their baby to be born.

“I often try to meet with them in person for coffee or somewhere relaxing at least a couple of times per trimester,” Julia says. “That way we can get to know each other and we can address any fear or anxieties they might have before the birth.”

As the parents-to-be express their concerns, Julia follows up their sessions by sending additional resources. About 10 years ago, she discovered a source of information that often comes in handy—Family Fire.

As part of ReFrame Media, Family Fire offers resources and pastoral leadership for people experiencing struggles in their families. With articles like “Serving in Ministry as a New Mom” and “Crying Babies and Taking a Breath,” Julia has been following Family Fire ever since discovering it.

“The articles are a great addition to my counseling and doula toolbox,” says Julia. “I often get a lot of good feedback on the articles and we discuss them openly.”

Even after the birth, Julia often finds the articles helpful for her own family and marriage, as well as for the many families she has connected with over her years as a doula.

Julia remembers praying for boldness to share her faith when she was a teenager. Now she sees how God has used her career, as well as the Family Fire articles as a natural way to help her in that prayer.

“I sent one article to someone who isn’t a Christian. She was having concerns with her child being bullied,” said Julia. “She said it was a great article and that she was going to apply some of the points.”

Helpful family resources with a Christ-centered perspective can truly make a difference. If you’re looking for resources for your family or for someone you love, you can find all of Family Fire’s resources at

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