Helga—Still Sharing the Gospel at Age 72
December 31, 2015 • English

Four years ago we shared a story about Helga from Germany. After reading a Today devotional that encouraged sharing your faith, Helga was inspired to fill her shopping bags with Christian literature and share it as the Lord prompted her.
Recently Helga wrote us again and shared a little more about her life.
“I grew up without any Christian education, but since the death of my dear mom – she was only 36 – I became interested in Jesus and the Bible.”
At the time Helga was corresponding with a girl in the United States who was a Christian. “I know now that she was praying for me,” says Helga. “God answered her prayers, and at the age of 23 I was born again.”
Helga received a copy of the Today devotional produced by ReFrame Media, the English outreach of Back to God ministries International. “The Today is continually an inspiration to me. From the beginning I had the longing to pass on to others the message of the Gospel.”
In fact, Helga has stepped out in faith to share Jesus with immigrants, many of them Muslims. More recently the Lord has led her to share the Gospel in an area dominated by drug dealers and addicts. “I am 72 now and I am still evangelizing,” she says. “The drug dealers hate me, but God is protecting me.”
After sharing this story in our Today daily devotional, we received this encouraging report from Marnie: “At age 40 I was starting to give up on myself. I am currently in jail serving time for drugs. I realize how disconnected I was to my spirituality and higher power. After reading Helga’s story, I realize that it’s never too late to change my life around.”
What’s your story? How has Back to God Ministries encouraged you in your faith and witness? We’d love to hear from you! You can share your story by contacting communications@reframeministries.org.