Returning to God in Haiti

December 16, 2015 • French


“I have returned to God. All that I have is for God.” These are the bold words proclaimed by Jean-Baptiste, a former Haitian voodoo priest who accepted Christ as his Savior.

For years Jean-Baptiste, who also owns and operates a radio station, has been airing programs from Perspective Réformées, the French outreach of ReFrame Ministries in Haiti. Through listening to these biblical messages, his heart changed and his faith began to form. After giving his life to the Lord this past May, he claims, “Now this station will only broadcast Christian programs.”

In addition to radio programming, Perspective Réformées, under the leadership of Rev. Jacky Chéry, provides discipleship studies and mentor training. The Back to God Ministries French team also offers conferences for church leaders through our partnership with Christian Reformed World Missions and the Timothy Leadership Institute.

At a church leaders conference this past spring that brought together more than 70 participants, one pastor said, “The training was perfect. I wish that more leaders could receive this training all around the country. I am pretty sure that if they did, the country would experience a profound transformation.”

We praise the Lord for the work He is accomplishing through the ministry of Back to God French outreach in Haiti. As we know there is more work to be done, Pastor Chéry notes, “We are praying that this work can continue touching hearts.”

Pray for the ministry of Jean-Baptiste as he is using his radio station as a platform to share the Gospel. Since changing to all Christian programming, many advertisers are no longer contracting with him. Ask God provide for his business so he may continue to be a witness in Haiti.

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