Earth Day: To Steward or Subdue?
April 10, 2015 • English

From our Reformed perspective there is “no such thing as secular.” Including caring for creation. believes that too. In anticipation of Earth Day on April 22, Think Christian is making available a special collection of articles on creation care, curated from its archives. These pieces cover a variety of environment-related topics, from climate engineering to air conditioning to human composting (yes...that’s a thing). The articles discuss creation care with some of Think Christian’s best contributors, like environmental ethics professor Rolf Bouma and popular TC columnists Branson Parler and Karen Swallow Prior.
One thing unites all these ideas and drives Think Christian’s coverage of the environment: a reverence for the cultural mandate of the Bible.
You’re invited to download this special Earth Day e-book. If you see an idea that challenges you about creation care (or an idea you’d like to challenge, you can always continue the conversation at the Think Christian website.