Update on Back to God Ministries French Outreach
April 09, 2015 • French

Over the past year our French ministry has faced many changes. But thanks to ongoing faithful prayer and financial support, we have been able to continue touching lives for Christ in the French-speaking world.
Rev. Jacky Chéry gives leadership to the work in Haiti. He receives encouragement from those who continue to be blessed by our broadcasts. Manes, a radio director in Saint-Marc, North of Haiti, told Rev. Chéry, “Having broadcast the Persperctives Reformees programs for many years now in my community, I can witness that those messages play a transformative role in the lives of many people and particularly Christian leaders.”
Currently, we are in the ongoing process of rebuilding our ministry in French-speaking Africa. It’s a challenge, but also a huge opportunity to reestablish this critical ministry.
Moving forward, we plan to explore three additional areas for ministry: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); and Niger.
Over the last nine months we’ve made progress and grown ministry relationships with Timothy Leadership Training Institute (TLTI) and Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM).
TLTI has developed a training program in West Africa called Proclaim/Train. This program involves taking a simple catechism structure and developing Bible correspondence materials. Additionally we are creating a year’s worth of media messages that connect to the Proclaim/Train course.
The goal is to use this program in radio stations and seminaries. BTGMI director Rev. Kurt Selles and a partner from TLTI recently traveled to Africa to introduce this program. Station managers and seminary staff were enthusiastic about its potential for effective evangelistic and discipleship ministry.
Pray that this pilot program will help us connect with local churches and provide an evangelistic opportunity in areas with a large Muslim population.
“Although a challenge,” says Rev. Selles, “I’m excited to move forward in building this vital ministry. We continue to celebrate God’s faithfulness and we know that He will bless our desire to touch lives and serve Him in French-speaking Africa.”