New Believers Risking Their Lives

April 14, 2015 • Hindi


In the quiet of the Himalayan mountain region, a group gathers to witness seven new believers lie down in cold rushing waters to proclaim their Christian faith through baptism. These new Christians came to faith by listening to Back to God Ministries Rewa Gitsung (Words of Hope) radio program.

Because Christianity is banned is this region, baptism marks a significant moment for these seven people as they each put their earthly lives at risk when giving their eternal lives to Christ. Among those witnessing this blessed event are their mentors and the radio program producer.

“Once these listeners started following the program regularly, they had questions and needed someone to answer those questions,” our ReFrame Ministries Hindi ministry leader reports.

These brothers and sisters heard the Gospel and contacted the program producer for answers. He connected them with a local support group comprised of believers who also came to know Christ through our program.

The Hindi ministry leaders adds, “Because there is no church in this area, these support groups visit new listeners and help them understand the message that the Bible offers through our radio program.”

Not only is this program acting as a catalyst to bring people to know our Lord and Savior, but it is growing disciples to further His Kingdom.

“We are very thankful for the listeners who have formed prayer and support groups and who visit new listeners to encourage them and testify before them,” says Kurt Selles, BTGMI director. “The Lord is using this ministry for His glory.”

Without your support of BTGMI media outreach through church ministry shares, offerings and ongoing prayer, people in this region may never hear of Jesus and come to faith. Please pray for safety as new believers boldly choose to follow Christ.

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