Creating Life-Long Followers of Jesus

April 16, 2016 • English

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Scott and his family live in Texas, where they attend church regularly, send their son to the local Christian school, and raise him in a Christian home. Like many Christian parents, Scott aims to engage his family in faith and biblical understanding through every aspect of life.

Driving to work one Saturday morning, Scott found the Kids Corner broadcast while scanning his radio. He came home and immediately shared the newfound Bible program with his seven year old son.

“We introduced our son to the Kids Corner online episodes before bedtime,” Scott shares.

Kids Corner is produced by Reframe Media, BTGMI English outreach. “Kids Corner tells stories of individuals who are trying to find their role within God's story,” explains Ron VandenBurg, Kids Corner Producer. “Children and families hear the fun adventures of characters who are living within God's story, applying Biblical truths, failing and stumbling, but still finding ways to serve God and serve each other.”

Since incorporating the program into their daily routine, Scott’s family has been touched by its message. He testifies, “It is a blessing to our family to have Kids Corner stories reinforcing what our son learns in school, church, and at home. I am confident the stories have had a good influence on our son.”

“A lot of media choices are out there,” acknowledges VandenBurg, but this program is different. He continues, “Kids Corner stories, along with KC family resources, give families important moments to talk about how to live out God's story.”

As a result of listening to Kids Corner, young Christians, like Scott’s son, are developing a life-long relationship with Jesus. Learn more at

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