Bible Studies Help Children’s Faith Formation
February 24, 2015 • English

The Kids Corner ministry team received a request from Sue, who is mentoring Tammy, a former prison inmate. Tammy’s drug addiction and imprisonment caused incredible pain and confusion for her two sons, ages 11 and 12, and she is determined to stay clean this time.
When Tammy’s boys asked Sue to help them learn the Bible, Sue contacted Kids Corner. “I’m not sure where to start,” Sue wrote. “Will you please send me your Bible studies to help me with this?”
The Kids Corner team mailed Sue the children’s study booklets right away.
“Kids Corner has created Bible study materials for children,” says Ron VandenBurg, senior producer of children’s ministry for ReFrame Media, the English outreach of ReFrame Ministries. “Our goal is to provide resources that help children develop a lifelong love for the Bible.”
In addition to the Bible study correspondence program, Kids Corner produces a weekly audio program available on radio and at The website also offers audio Bible stories, games and activities, and parent resources—including devotionals for children and discussion guides for the weekly broadcasts.
“Parents frequently come to the website and appreciate the user-friendly resources we offer,” says Ron. “We’re working to make available even more resources to help them with their children’s faith formation.”
ReFrame Media is developing a new children’s online Bible study that focuses on scripture as one big story. “Children will be able to read the lessons that connect with the audio Bible stories and songs,” reports Ron. “We’ve already produced twelve new audio Bible dramas that bring to life stories such as The Creation, The Story of Moses, Jesus in the Wilderness, The Story of Saul, and many more. The series is scheduled to be released by the end of 2015.”
Join us in praying that these resources will ignite children’s interest in learning the Bible. And pray also for Sue, who asks, “Please pray that God will make Himself very real to Tammy’s sons through these studies. Thank you.”
For information on resources available to help the children in your life visit Please also consider a gift in support of this important ministry to children.