A Timely Breakdown for Inspirational Buildup

October 22, 2015 • English


DeWayne is usually getting ready for church on a Sunday morning, but one day his car broke down, so instead he turned on KCIS AM 630 radio out of Seattle. There he discovered Groundwork, produced by ReFrame Media, the English outreach of ReFrame Ministries. The conversation caught his attention and intrigued him, so he turned on his computer to "get some church on the net."

“I'm appreciating the episode, ‘What the Bible Says about Itself’,” DeWayne wrote on the Groundwork Facebook page. “I am looking forward to going back and listening to the previous episode, ‘What Jesus Says about the Bible’.”

The program was very timely for DeWayne, who lives near Seattle, WA. “Back when I was doing my own studies, because of some depression I collected a pile of notes about what the Bible said about itself.” But since then, he admits, “I have gotten out of regular Bible reading, and especially in-depth studies. So thank you for these two episodes.”

Groundwork is a half-hour weekly audio program, available online and in some locations on the air—including the station DeWayne found it on. Produced in partnership with Words of Hope, pastors Dave Bast and Scott Hoezee unpack the richness of the Bible to build biblical foundations for life. “We continue to be viewed as a resource for Scriptural authority,” says producer Courtney Jacob. “Listeners regularly email and post on our Facebook page asking for theological and doctrinal clarification to their questions.”

The ministry launched an updated, more user-friendly website in September 2015. “Listeners can more easily find archived programs, connect with us to ask questions, download transcripts, or leave prayer requests for our prayer team,” Courtney adds.

DeWayne is thankful to have found Groundwork, its website and Facebook page. “After my car is fixed I may not get to listen when you are on the air, but hopefully I will remember to continue to use your website. And I will see your posts on Facebook now—that will help remind me."

Are you looking for a Bible-teaching program to help build your faith life? Visit GroundworkOnline.com.

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