A Marriage on Fire

January 11, 2017 • English

Crc News Btgmi 011117

Lyndon and Carletta Lundy’s marriage went through several near burnout periods—arguments, infidelity, separation, reconciliation, and standstill. However, neither truly wanted to give up, so they kept praying for God to direct them and strengthen their marriage.

After yet another conflict in June 2016, Carletta searched the Internet for articles to help her marriage. “Ten Rules for Fair Fighting” popped up on Family Fire’s website. “I’m always looking for something that could enrich our marriage, but I hadn’t found anything that met our needs,” says Carletta. “We fought, but not fair.”

“Then I found Family Fire.”

Family Fire is a ministry designed to stoke the Spirit’s flame through encouraging posts and articles on the web, social media, and email. Produced by ReFrame Media, the English outreach of Back to God International, the Family Fire team developed the “Ten Rules for Fair Fighting” to help guide couples through the difficult conversations.

What captured Carletta’s attention were the scripture passages that were part of each ‘rule.’ Carletta explains, “Lyndon and I both committed to meditating on the scripture for each principle. Each Tuesday evening we sit across from each other at the kitchen table and take turns leading a Bible study. Then we pray together and practice the ‘rule’ the following week. Then we again meet at the table to share the challenges and successes of the week. We are holding each other accountable.”

She adds, “I’m loving him again, the way I did in the beginning. It has given me a renewed sense of hope—like we are new people. God is doing something new and intentional in our marriage. We’re letting the Holy Spirit work in us so our marriage is what God wants.”

The Bible study has made such an impact on their marriage, they’ve begun to pray for other couples and explore the possibility of leading a “Ten Rules” Bible study in their community.

Carletta has also started her own Facebook ministry to share God’s Word and since discovering Family Fire, she has expanded her ministry to encourage couples going through a difficult time by sharing Family Fire Facebook posts. She has given the “Ten Rules” to family members and co-workers as well. 

“So many couples are struggling,” Carletta notes. “We believe God sent us this marriage resource for His Kingdom’s sake. We want people to see that you can come from a place of brokenness and move to a place of wholeness in Christ. We need the Holy Spirit’s fire in our marriages.” “I am so grateful to God for the Family Fire ministry, for all the resources they provide,” she concludes. 

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