Yessy’s Relationship with God

August 22, 2016 • Indonesian

Btg  Tdm 2016 09  Yessy

Yessy, who now lives in Brisbane, Australia, proudly holds her certificates for completing the Bible study correspondence course produced by the Indonesian outreach of ReFrame Ministries (BTGMI).

Yessy first learned about the correspondence course through the Wasiat daily devotionals while living in Jakarta, Indonesia. “One day, when my family and I  were reading Wasiat, inside was a Bible correspondence enrollment form,” she said. “It attracted our attention. We are very eager to learn the Bible and Christian values.”

The lessons drew Yessy into scripture and she finished all four levels of the study after moving to Australia. “In the Bible correspondence study, we were taught about the right relationship with God, with our neighbor, and with nature around us. The questions were very useful for our growth,” she added.

Our Indonesian staff sent Yessy a certificate of completion, plus copies of our devotional booklets for various ages. In addition to Wasiat (similar to the Today daily devotionals) BTGMI produces devotional booklets for children, teens, young adults, and senior citizens. Every other month more than 67,000 individuals or families receive these devotional booklets to guide them in their daily walk with God.

The Bible study correspondence program is especially for people living in Indonesia’s remote regions, who don’t have access to a small group study, but want to dig deeper into God’s Word.

Thanks to faithful support through gifts, offerings, and ministry shares, Yessy has access to resources that helped her grow in faith and knowledge of God’s Word. Please pray for Yessy and her family as they share their faith in Australia.  

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