Today, Speaking Directly to You

January 13, 2016 • English

Today Speaking Directly To You

We all have our daily struggles, big and small, regardless of age, gender, race or economic status. The scripture-filled and Spirit-led devotions of Today reach our readers with the words they need to hear in life. It is with joy we share the following testimonies from readers like you.

  • James was suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Provoked by these addictions, he began the habit of reading

Today. “Everything I read from Today seems to fit right in to my life,” James states. Through prayer and devotion, God delivered him from the negative dependencies. “God restores me and heals me daily—I praise Him and give Him all the glory!” For two years Raquel was living on the streets. Searching for something to raise her spirits, she started reading Today. She notes, I was down until I read the Today devotional. I believe in God, and reading it helped me learn to forgive.” Meeting Raquel in her desire to forgive, Today had an impact on her life.Lynn is the sole caregiver for her ailing husband. She is grateful for quiet mornings when she connects with God while reading Today. Lynn shared with the Today staff, “I feel that through the devotional God is speaking directly to me.” Lynn claims that in her many years of studying God’s Word, she is learning more with the Today resource than she ever has before.Ryan is suffering from cancer. Reading Today has helped him persevere. Ryan says, “I have just finished multiple rounds of treatment. Your devotions have helped me get through them.”

How is God using Today in your life? Our prayer is that through reading Today you will feel surrounded by God’s love.

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