Roger Started a Spiritual Habit of Prayer with ReFrame
February 03, 2023 • English

In late 2022, Roger received an email with a simple question: “Are you a prayer warrior?”
Roger might delete many of his emails without thinking twice, but that one stuck with him.
“I honestly told myself, ‘No, not me,’” Roger reflected.
Roger says the Holy Spirit nudged him. He kept thinking about the email, and he even came back to it a few more times, opening it and wondering if he should respond.
The email came from Emily Vanden Heuvel, ReFrame Ministries’ Prayer Coordinator. It invited Roger into ReFrame’s community of prayer partners who regularly pray for about 15 requests each week for English speakers from around the world. The requests come from people who read Today devotions, listen to ReFrame podcasts like Groundwork or Think Christian, or simply search the internet for a community to pray for them.
A few days later Roger decided to take a leap of faith and responded to the email.
“I believed I was ready for this new journey,” Roger said. “I believed that developing a consistent habit of being a prayer warrior would be good for others as well as myself.”
Roger is hardly alone in feeling this way—every day, Vanden Heuvel hears from people like him who are praying for others and feeling blessed by that opportunity.
“On the other hand,” Vanden Heuvel added, “We also hear from people who have sent in painful requests because of struggles they are facing or bad habits they’ve fallen into.”
Oftentimes these people can sense that they are being lifted up in prayer, and they feel encouraged daily with the knowledge that they are being heard and prayed for—people like Mark.
Mark’s Story
Mark said he has felt lifted up by prayers from Roger and thousands of prayer warriors like him.
He recently requested prayers for an addiction that he’s been battling for most of his life. And while he didn’t share specifics, he did share that his addiction has caused his relationship with Christ and his family to crumble over the years.
“We have gotten far away from a regular church connection,” Mark said. “I know that we need to get back, but this addiction and also struggling with social anxiety and depression have made it tough.”
Mark hasn’t overcome his addiction, but he says that after submitting and praying for requests from fellow ReFrame prayer team members, he’s felt the support and strength that comes from this community of believers.
That encouragement has been significant for Mark and for so many more people like him who share requests every week. If you’d like to join Roger in starting a new habit of prayer l or if you want to share your own requests with others, you can visit