Not Random
September 27, 2017 • Portuguese

God often uses what seem like random circumstances to bring people to faith.
Clarice is incarcerated in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil. Someone in the prison gave her an old Cada Dia, the devotional booklet produced by ReFrame Ministries (BTGMI) Portuguese media team. It transformed her life. After reading the devotionals she began to attend the prison services. Clarice testified, “I gave my life to Christ and continue to attend the services.”
Thanks to that first random gift, Clarice is now walking with the Lord and subscribes to the monthly Cada Dia to help her grow in faith.
Several “random finds” like this help spread the Gospel throughout Brazil.
Although Lucienne grew up in a family that went to church, she admits she was not really committed to church.
Then one day, while helping her sister move into a new apartment, something changed. Lucienne found a copy of a Cada Dia, apparently been left by the previous tenants.
“That day I began reading and fell in love with the devotional,” says Lucienne. “I began sharing the readings of the Word with my family. Everyone in the house is enjoying it.”
Her family asked Lucienne to find more devotionals so they could keep reading it. She called the BTGMI office in Campinas, Brazil, to share her experiences and request an annual subscription to the Cada Dia.
“The reading has provided special moments in my family.”
Volunteer Edione Madruga shared another story. She distributes Cada Dia devotionals throughout São Paulo, including to her dentist’s office. One day while waiting for her dental appointment she observed a man in his 40s come in and discover the little booklet on a small table in the office.
“As he began to read,” Edione told us, “the expression on his face was one of sheer joy, like a child who had discovered a treasure.”
He declared, “What a wonderful reading! What a wonderful reading!”
Edione told him how he could have the devotionals sent directly to him. We don’t know his name or if we will ever hear the rest of this man’s story following that random encounter. But thanks to the faithful support and prayers of donors, and through these God-appointed encounters, BTGMI is able to provide faith formation resources to people in Brazil—and around the world.