‘Mini Deacons’ Spread Love During COVID-19

May 21, 2020 • English


As parents and teachers scramble to come up with alternative lesson plans due to COVID-19, Melissa Deelstra is seeing that kids can also do the teaching.

Melissa's four children are making Bible story videos using Lego bricks and figures at their home in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

“First, we build a scene, next we move the characters and take lots of pictures, then we add the music sound, and voices,” explains six-year-old Breanne Deelstra. “Last, we share our movie with our family and friends.”

The Deelstras are one of six families featured in a new video from Kids Corner, called “Kids in Action During COVID-19.”

Along with the Lego stop-motion films, the video also features kids painting window signs with encouraging words, sewing masks, drawing a hopscotch course up to 1,000, and performing songs. Each story is tied together by the episode’s host, Dexter.

“Dexter is an excellent host,” said Melissa. “ He communicates really well and brings a great tone to the overall video.”

Melissa added that although she hopes the video of her children will inspire others to create their own Bible stories, working on the video also inspired them to serve in new ways.

“As soon as the video was done my six-year-old wanted to start making her own encouraging signs,” said Melissa. “I loved seeing that ‘hey, I can do that!’ moment inspired by the clip. I loved seeing her realize that there was authentic work that she could do to serve God.”

“The Kids Corner video seems to really embrace multiple layers of children’s ministry,” Melissa added. “Ministry done for children, with children, and by children. What a wonderful project!”

Another viewer agreed, sharing in a video comment, “This is great! Mini deacons hard at work spreading love.”

Kids Corner is one of six programs from our English ministry, ReFrame Media. You can find Kids in Action During COVID-19 below and the other six Kids in Action videos on the ministry’s YouTube page.

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