Finding Peace and Joy

March 18, 2015 • Hindi


In a region of South Asia where 4 out of 5 people practice Buddhism, D. [for safety purposes we are unable to use his real name] finds his peace and joy in Christ.

D.’s days are filled with hard labor, earning him a meager wage on which he supports his wife and five children. Though they live on little, they are richly blessed by the Christian radio program, Words of Hope, produced by the Back to God Hindi ministry team. “My whole family sits together and regularly listens to the program. We enjoy listening as a family.” D. says.

Having close relationships with his friends and coworkers, D. is able to share his passion for the Lord. He explains, “I especially encourage my co-workers to listen to the program. I tell them that it will bring them peace and joy.”

Praise God for D.’s faithfulness in sharing the Gospel with his family and friends. Pray that the Lord continues to use this radio program in his life and that his family and friends discover the Truth in Jesus Christ.

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