Choosing Good Leaders
July 04, 2015 • French

Sambila is a deacon at the Cissin church in Bilgo, Burkina Faso, a country where approximately half the population claims the Muslim faith. He and other local church members have recently been attending the Bible study Choosing Good Leaders, produced by Timothy Leadership Training Institute in partnership with Back to God Ministries French outreach. Currently there are 15 churches committed to the program, with 60 participants.
As church members attend the sessions, they gain a better understanding of how being a Christian relates to every aspect of life. “I really appreciated the training on how to choose good leaders,” says Sambila. “I discovered that the Bible deals with all areas of human life. The Word of God always applies both at home and at work.”
Choosing Good Leaders is a radio program integrated with study materials to use within the local church. The focus is primarily on how to choose church leaders, but the last lesson looks at choosing leaders in the political arena from a Christian perspective. Following an October 2014 coup, Burkina Faso is experiencing instability within its government while facing national elections; the study is proving to be very timely.
Rev. Marc Nabie, the French ministry team leader in Burkina Faso, explains, “Choosing Good Leaders is responding to a very intense need. People who have gone through the program want to know what is next.” As we continue to expand the program, the French team is building momentum to develop a follow-up study called I Belong to God, containing 52 lessons based on the Heidelberg Catechism. The lessons include audio messages highlighting the catechism in a personal way and outline biblical truth.
Pastor Kader Yonli, whose church is using the Bible study, gives thanks to God. He claims, “People are returning to church, and our ministry is making great strides forward. Thank you to those who launched such a program.”
Pray that the Lord continues to use Choosing Good Leaders to further His Kingdom.