The Right Message at the Right Time for China
March 30, 2016 • Chinese

The Christian faith is gaining momentum in China. The ReFrame Ministries (BTGMI) Chinese team is strategically placed to give leadership to the growing Christian influence in this changing country.
“Various reports show that up to five percent of the Chinese population identify themselves as Christians,” notes Pastor Jerry An, BTGMI Chinese ministry leader. “In the next few years we will know if the Christian church will continue its rapid growth.”
Christian media is crucial to the growth of the church in China. “People spend up to four hours a day on their smart phones and social media,” says An. “Any ministry that is not available on a smart phone will not be relevant.”
In 2015, BTGMI Chinese ministry launched a mobile app called Be Thou My Rhythm. The app provides high-quality, biblically sound content, integrated with current issues “We work in partnership with more than 80 Christian organizations and individual ministries that are feeding the quality content,” An explains.
Most users access the content through social platforms. “Because of the viral nature of today’s media, our content needs to be strong, up-to-date. Our goal is to provide the right message to the right people at the right time for the right effect,” says An.
BTGMI not only provides quality content for Be Thou My Rhythm; its Chinese team has also become a leader in the new media movement in China. In January 2016, BTGMI organized a media conference in Taiwan, pulling together more than 100 media ministry leaders from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea. Attendees also included Christians from secular companies whose leaders are interested in advancing the Gospel in China.
The conference featured an extensive report by Dr. Peter Zhao, a leading Chinese Christian economist who, with a BTGMI grant, has researched language that resonates with new believers and seekers in China. “The report is invaluable for all media ministries developing content and strategy for new media outreach,” notes An. “This event helped us build bridges for advancing the Gospel in China.”