Mission China 2030

October 26, 2016 • Chinese

Mission 2030 Conference

“Churches in China will commission 20,000 cross-cultural missionaries to spread the Gospel overseas by the year 2030.”

This is the vision set by Chinese leaders at the 2013 Leadership Summit in Seoul, Korea. The shared mission and goal was also the vision of participants who attended the 2016 ‘Mission China 2030’ summit, held this past September on the island of Jeju in South Korea. More than 1,000 pastors and individuals who have a heart for missions came from all over China and the world to learn from and engage in this event.

The theme for the conference was “Son of Peace” based on Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” 

“During the summit, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we explored ways to fulfill the purpose of Mission China,” stated Rev. Ezra Jin, Chairperson of Mission China 2030.

Pastor Jerry An, Chinese ministry leader for ReFrame Ministries, attended the conference and led a workshop on using digital media as one component of achieving the 2030 goal.

Education on how to use new media in ministry is vital for the 2030 mission. Pastor An explains, “Christian publications and television programs are not legal in China, and although the emergence of new media has created a vast opportunity for missions in China, it has also brought new challenges to churches there.”

In his workshop, An addressed questions like: How should pastors face the dramatic changes brought by the new media? How do churches currently use new media in ministry? And, how can the churches develop new media missions effectively? To further inform attendees on media missions and reformed theology, An also shared an e-book produced by the BTGMI Chinese ministry team, The Church and New Media as well as a memorial edition of Systematic Theology written by Rev. Issac Jen, the first BTGMI Chinese ministry leader.

Pastor Cai, an attendee from Zhejiang province, said, “Many thanks to BTGMI for the books you gave us. They are all very important to Chinese churches. We need a solid foundation on theology, but we also need a solid grasp of this modern tool of new media. Together, we are all for one mission in China!" 

Pray that as Chinese churches move forward on their journey to fulfilling this mission, they will raise up more peacemakers for the Lord.

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