Many consider Arabic to be “the language of Islam.” That’s because all 22 countries where Arabic is an official language are also Muslim-majority countries.

Still, God is at work in the Arabic-speaking world too. Improved technology allows people to discover more about the larger world outside of the community in which they live. By partnering with Christians in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt, ReFrame has an opportunity to help proclaim Christ to seekers in Cairo and the larger Arabic-speaking body of Christ that Christians here are already reaching.

Greetings from Rev. Youssef Adel Hanna

Featured Arabic Media Outreach

Seeking God's Face

Our first project in this new ministry has been translating a well-loved English devotional called Seeking God's Face into Arabic.

The first edition was 500 booklets, which have been distributed to pastors. We are also developing a mobile application for this devotional.

A Story From the Arabic Ministry

Arabic Update

Why Egypt Needs Jesus

March 18, 2020

"The main reason that gospel outreach is so important in Egypt is simple.

“Jesus Christ is really needed here,” our partners in Cairo have said.

In one of the most challenging places to share the gospel, they’re right. But people in Egypt are afraid of the gospel. They are afraid of what following Jesus will mean for them and their families. ReFrame has been partnering with native Arabic speakers for more than 65 years, but the changing landscape...

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Rev. Youssef Adel Hanna

Rev. Youssef Adel Hanna

Before joining ReFrame in 2023, Youssef has pastored churches in the Egyptian Presbyterian Church denomination for more than 20 years. He is a highly respected, proven leader with a servant’s heart and a team-building personality. We give thanks to God for bringing Rev. Youssef to help build the Arabic media ministry.

We are excited about the vision Rev. Youssef has for making the gospel more accessible to people in Egypt and the wider Arabic-speaking world. He will also use media to bring the gospel to the younger generation.

Please pray for Rev. Youssef and his team as they build the ministry on a solid footing and proclaim the good news in Arabic.

More Arabic Media Outreach

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