Gratitude in the Body of Christ

October 14, 2024 • French

P2 Omar and David

Have you ever experienced a long wait at a doctor’s office? Now imagine waiting more than a year for your treatment.

As one of millions of internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso, that’s exactly what Omar* faced. Because of violence from extremist terrorist groups in his home village, Omar fled to the city of Kaya. But when he severely hurt his leg in a motorcycle accident, he knew he would be up against unimaginable obstacles to access the medical care he needed.

In fact, he nearly gave up hope.

Yet throughout that period of facing despair, Omar was able to find solace through his radio. Hours spent listening to broadcasts became Omar’s lifeline—gospel messages of hope that churches and individuals make possible through its media ministry, ReFrame Ministries.

Through a series of biblical radio messages made especially for displaced people, Omar encountered the life-changing message of hope and redemption despite his poor health.

These radio messages truly encouraged him to make a commitment to follow Christ. And that decision to embrace Christianity not only brought him personal salvation but also sparked a ripple effect of transformation within his family and community.

“Omar didn’t keep the good news a secret,” said Rev. Marc Nabié, ReFrame’s French-ministry leader. “He began sharing with his mother and other family members too, and they accepted Christ as well!”

A Thriving Church in Kaya

In Kaya, Omar connected with David Compaore, a discipleship team member from ReFrame’s French partner ministry team who has been helping to answer questions about the Christian faith and connecting believers to a church plant for internally displaced people.

Through personal outreach and pastoral care, David has helped nurture a vibrant community of believers, offering them a sanctuary of hope amid turmoil.

“As a church family, the group of believers in Kaya rallied together to fund Omar’s surgery,” shared Marc. “Today he is doing much better and is surely giving thanks to God this season for his new life in Christ and his newly healed leg.”

Your continued partnership with ReFrame ensures that stories like Omar's can be multiplied in the new areas where your partners are broadcasting to internally displaced people in Burkina Faso.

Thank you for helping believers around the world experience the love of the body of Christ. As we thank God for new faith, baptisms, and connections with local churches, we invite you to continue uplifting new church plants for internally displaced people like the one in Kaya through your prayers and support.

*last name omitted for security reasons

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You’re Invited!

On October 24, you can join a special online event to hear more about how God is working in ReFrame’s French-language ministry. Marc Nabié, ReFrame’s French-language ministry leader in Burkina Faso, will share more about his reflections published in October’s Today devotions ( and about images from West Africa that illustrate his devotions even further.

You can visit to sign up for the live event or to sign up to receive the recording after it takes place.

Join the French Ministry
