At ReFrame Ministries, each of our language ministries offer different programs for different cultural and geographical contexts. However, the majority of our local ministry teams find that a short but meaningful devotional of some kind is a great way to focus on God's Word.
Whether you are looking to share God's Word with someone you know who speaks a different language, hoping to practice your own language skills with life-changing content, or are simply curious about what the Good News of the gospel sounds like or looks like in other languages and contexts, explore the links below to find devotionals in 8 of our world's major languages.
English Devotionals
Visit Todaydevotional.com/subscribe to see all the ways you can access our Today daily devotional.
Children can find devotionals and related activities at KidsCorner.net/devotions.
Arabic Devotionals
Our Arabic ministry website is currently under construction, but you can find daily devotionals and short prayers on the ministry Facebook page.
Chinese Devotionals
Read daily devotionals or watch YouTube videos that read the devotionals to you along with imagery on our Chinese ministry's webpage.
Hindi Devotionals
Listen to weekly reflections on God's Word in Hindi on this YouTube page.
Indonesian Devotionals
Our Indonesian ministry team offers devotionals for every age group.
- Children: Visit our devotional webpage for audio and text or visit our YouTube playlist for fun videos and readings of the devotionals.
- Teenagers: Visit our devotional webpage or find video devotionals on this YouTube playlist.
- Young Adults: Visit our devotional webpage for daily devotional text or visit our YouTube playlist for video devotionals.
- Adults: Visit our devotional webpage for audio and text devotionals or find our devotionals on our YouTube playlist.
Japanese Devotionals
Read, listen, or sign up for daily devotional emails on our Japanese ministry website.
Portuguese Devotionals
Our Cada Dia devotional is available in several formats.
- You can watch daily devotional videos on YouTube
- Read each day's devotional on this webpage or
- If you're in Brazil, you can order physical copies of devotional booklets.
Spanish Devotionals
You can read, listen, and sign up for daily devotional emails on our Spanish ministry website.
At ReFrame Ministries, our vision is that the lives and worldviews of all people around the globe will be transformed by God's gospel message. You can learn about all of our programs and where we work on our ministry pages.