游子新歌 New Songs Of Wanderers


针对新一代青年知识分子接受基督教的主要障碍和对基督教认识上的一些误解,我们策划编辑出版《游子新歌》系列丛书,来帮助读者认识基督教真理,归向真神。 丛书系列希望以客观的事实、严谨的态度和轻松的表达方式,阐述基督教与科学、与其他宗教、与中国文化和西方文明的关系,还原基督教入华的历史并宣教士对中国现代文明的贡献。 《游子吟》作者冯秉诚(里程)牧师为本丛书系列顾问。

The New Songs of Wanderers book series seeks to give voice to this generation of Chinese wanderers. Written by Chinese, in Chinese, and for Chinese, these books make a wonderful gift for the Chinese-speakers in your life!

丛书包括 The series includes:

#11:创世记导读》Navigating Genesis: A Scientist's Journey through Genesis 1-11
与信仰原由会合作,天文物理学家罗仕优博士的著作首次以中文出版。罗仕优博士将探讨《创世记》首十一章如何呈现出一些最有力的科学证据,来证明《圣经》的超自然准确性 In collaboration with Reasons to Believe, this translation of Dr. Hugh Ross's work explores how the opening chapters of Genesis actually hold some of the strongest scientific evidence for the Bible's supernatural accuracy

#10:《万有之上:基督教与科学的奇缘》Above All Things: The Romance and War between Christianity and Science
本书丰富呈现科学与基督教的历史纠葛,探讨现代科学在微观层面的分子与DNA、宏观层面的宇宙大尺度结构的证据,以及众多科学家的信仰历程 An exploration of the historical entanglement of science and Christianity that considers evidence for modern science at the micro and macro levels and reflects on the faith journeys of several scientists

#9:《从未名湖到生命泉(三):百名北大学子的信仰之旅》Peking University Testimonies III
北大百位基督徒见证集的第三集 The final volume of the Peking University 3-volume set

#8:《起源·证据·目的:进化与智慧设计》Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell
五位不同领域的科学家归纳列举一系列最新的科学证据,确认生命和宇宙的起源和演化並非随机,而是有目的和精心设计的 Five scientists discuss a range of recent scientific evidence confirming that the origin and evolution of life and the universe are not random but well-designed (简体版发行,如需繁体版请电邮至chinese@reframeministries.org)

#7:《起源:创造进化和智慧设计》Origins: Christian Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
由两位基督教物理学教授撰写,本书探讨圣经及上帝的世界对创造,进化及智能设计的观点,并清晰解释科学与基督教的一些共同观点,及在分歧上各种观点的长短利弊 Written by Christian Physics professors Loren and Deborah Haarsma, this book explores what God's Word and God's world teach us about creation, evolution, and intelligent design

#6:《从未名湖到生命泉(二):百名北大学子的信仰之旅》Peking University Testimonies II
北大百位基督徒见证集的第二集,收录了三十多位北京大学不同时期的校友的信仰之旅 In partnership with Peking University alumni, this is the second of a 3-volume set featuring their testimonies of God’s incredible grace

#5:《从未名湖到生命泉(一):百名北大学子的信仰之旅》Peking University Testimonies I
北大百位基督徒见证集的第一集,汇集了三十多位北京大学不同时期的校友的信仰之旅 In partnership with Peking University alumni, this is the first of a 3-volume set featuring their testimonies of God’s incredible grace

#4:《无问丰荒》In Every Season: Testimonies of Faith in Plenty and in Want
记述40个被福音更新和改变的中国家庭及父辈的信仰之旅,彰显神在不同时代的奇妙作为 A collection of testimonies from our parents and grandparents whose faith sustained them through all of life’s seasons

#3:《无问西东 因为有你》 The Reason for You II: Tsinghua Testimonies
与清华大学校友基督徒合作,出版一本由他们撰写的全新见证集 A collaboration with graduates from Tsinghua University to make their testimonies available in print form

#2:《公义与良善:自由民主的十字架路标》The Reason for Freedom: Modern Societies and Christian Virtues
由中国青年政治学者沈阳撰写,本书对当今世界进行政治文化比较,全面概述基督教文明与现代社会的关系 A work by a young Chinese political scholar on the role of faith in the formation of modern society

#1: 《为何是我》 The Reason for You
40个真实的生命故事 见证上帝奇妙救恩与改变的大能 (缺货, 只限电子书) The original collection of 40 testimonies from young Chinese believers (out of stock, e-book only)

建议奉献:每本美元$10起,5本以上每本$5(请注意:书籍将会寄到下方所提供的地址。) 因特殊情况,我们有可能无法邮递书籍至美国和加拿大以外的地方。有关北美以外地区的邮寄查询,请以电邮与我们联络。如对以上任何书籍的电子版有兴趣,欢迎您以电邮方式与我们联系,电邮地址是 chinese@reframeministries.org

Books are available for a donation to the Chinese Ministry of ReFrame Ministries (suggested donation: $10 USD per book or $5 each for 5+). Please note that books will be sent to the address provided below.

Due to limitations beyond our control, we may not be able to ship books to locations outside the U.S. and Canada. Please email us directly at chinese@reframeministries.org for questions about other destinations or to request ebooks instead.

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