Support Discipleship and Follow Up Ministries in India

Help Christians in India Share the gospel today!

Our Hindi ministry is very active in sharing the gospel, but the political and religious situation makes it difficult for seekers to visit churches. In other remote areas, there are no churches at all. Our Hindi ministry team needs your support as they use media to reach non-believers and help isolated Christians grow in their faith.

Through our radio programs and print devotionals, we invite seekers to come to an informational meeting in their village. These meetings are led by staff who have ministry experience, and can offer answers to the difficult questions that seekers may have. We also offer several online discipleship groups through the popular app, WhatsApp. Finally, we receive phone messages and other internet-based messages every day that require responses and prayer. Listeners or viewers involved in any of these discipleship activities will hear the gospel, get answers to questions, and connect with other believers. In some cases, new believers open their homes to those who are seeking to come to know Jesus and grow in faith.

The Hindi ministry team measures the number of responses they receive to all programs, number of materials they give out at events for seekers, and the number of visits they have with community members. Your gifts will provide staff for these discipleship activities, as well as supplies like motorbikes, volunteer and pastoral training materials, and church plant support in areas where the Christian faith is growing.

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