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— 提摩太后書 3:15
The Bible Banner

Right side:

The Bible is like dew, like water, like milk, like a sword, like a mirror, like a seed

Left side:
The Lord’s words are like rain, like snow, like fire, like a hammer, like bread, and like light

Center of the star:
The Bible

Around the star from top, clockwise:
listen, believe, study, meditate, act, preach

On the Bible:
The Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
New Testament, 2 Timothy 3:15

Please go to a church to hear the Gospel and to study the Bible.


Original Text:

Right side:

Left side:

Center of the star:

Around the star from top, clockwise:
聽 信 查 想 行 傳

On the Bible:
新約全書 提摩太后書 第三章 第十五節

請到福音堂聽道查經 右下角

