中国基督教海报展  »  海报索引  »  新生活 新生命  »


— 约翰福音 14:6
New life

Top scroll:
The Lord Jesus said: You must be born again. John 3:7

Right scroll:
Depend on Jesus to forgive your sins

Left scroll:
Ask the Holy Spirit to create a new heart

Bottom scoll:
The Lord Jesus said: I am the truth, the life, and the way. John 14:6

Center Scroll:
Large blue text:
New Life
Small text at center: The fruit of a life comes from the heart
Red cross: The precious blood of Jesus opens up a new and living way for us

Top right: Manners
Anyone born of God keeps the commands of the Lord. John 15:3-4

Top left: Integrity
By the Lord's precepts you can understand the wrong path. Psalm 119:104

Bottom right: Righteousness
The Lord works in your heart to will and to act.Philippians 2:13

Bottom left: Shame
Hold on to faith and a good conscience. 1 Timothy 1:19

Yellow "heart" character:
The old has gone. Look, everything has been made new.
Create in me a pure heart. Renew a steadfast spirit in me.
Lord, blot out all my sins.
Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation.

[Large body of small text at bottom of poster not transcribed]

Very bottom:
Sunday School Association


Original Text:

Top scroll:

Right scroll:

Left scroll:

Bottom scoll:

Center Scroll:
Large blue text:
新生活 新生命
Small text at center: 一生的效果是由心發出
Red cross
: 耶穌寶血給我們閒開了一條又新又活的路
Top right:
:凡從上帝生的遵守主的誡命。 約一五章三節四節
Top left:
Bottom right:
Bottom left:

Yellow "heart" character:

[Large body of small text at bottom of poster not transcribed]

Very bottom: