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— 约翰福音 15:4
Love Union with Christ

Large character: Love

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Jesus loves me and died for me. Jesus says if anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. I am the vine, you are the branches, remain in me and I will remain in you.

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The word "love" shows Christ loves us and we should love the Lord and others. The thorns on the sides show Christ’s crown of thorns. (He) suffered and died for us. The vines show the union with the Lord.

Union with Christ
John 15

"Remain in me, as I also remain in you." John 15:4


Original Text:

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Written on large character:
基督愛我為我捨己 耶穌說 人若愛我就必遵守我的道 我是葡萄樹 你們是枝子 常在我裡面的 我也常在他裡面

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你們要常在我裡面我也常在你們裡面 ——約翰十五章第四節

