Resources for inspiring and nurturing our faith through the testimonies of those who have gone before us and the stories of those living today.
All titles are available in Simplified Chinese only, unless otherwise noted.
Peking University Testimonies
This three-volume set is the collection of faith stories from one hundred Peking University students and alumni. Although the authors come from different eras, majors, and backgrounds, they use love as their banner and the pen as their sacrifice in order to bear witness to a timeless faith together.
Published in 2020 (vol. 1), 2021 (vol. 2), and 2022 (vol. 3).
《无问西东 因为有你》
The Reason for You II: Tsinghua Testimonies
A collection of 40 students’ testimonies written by Christian alumni from Tsinghua University.
Published in 2019.
The Reason for You
The original collection of testimonies, this book contains 40 real-life stories of contemporary youth witnessing God's amazing power of salvation and change.
Published in 2018. This book is no longer available in print.
In Every Season: Testimonies of Faith in Plenty and in Want
The journey of 40 Chinese families and their ancestors who have been renewed and transformed by the Gospel, highlighting God's marvelous works in different times.
Published in 2020.
A Collection of Testimonies in English
This first book to be published exclusively in English will contain the translations of selected testimonies from the Peking University and Tsinghua University collections above.
Coming soon!
Interested in copies of any of these titles? Let us know below, and we'll be in touch as soon as we are able.