Resources on being light and salt in this world for effective ministry and a better witness.


All titles are available in Simplified Chinese only, unless otherwise noted.


《秉烛: 汉语国际公共神学期刊》

International Journal of Chinese Public Theology

This new Chinese-language academic journal is designed to draw together scholarly work in the field of Chinese public theology, promoting collaboration and mutual growth.

Available at Request your copy here.


《2024 首届汉语公共神学会议》

Chinese Public Theology Symposium 2024

Held July 22-25, 2024 at Calvin Theological Seminary in Michigan, the first Chinese Public Theology Symposium gathered more than 50 Chinese scholars, pastors, and ministry leaders from around the world to discuss topics like natural law, Neo-Calvinisim, the Anabaptist tradition, AI and social media algorithms, the threat of war, and the development of Chinese theology. The various sessions have been made available in video form for public viewing.

Find the full playlist here.



Introduction to Public Theology

Coming out of the July 2024 Chinese Public Theology Symposium, which gathered Chinese pastors and theologians to engage the topic of public theology in the global Chinese context, this will be the first book in a series on public theology for the regular Christian.

Coming soon. Request your copy here.


《我们站立在此 —— 中国家庭教会前路思考》

Here We Stand: Reflections on the Future of the Chinese House Church

Beijing pastor Joshua Guo offers a glimpse into his experiences in this collection of reflections over fifteen years of ministry. He dives deep into the Chinese church, considering such topics as universal grace in the Chinese culture, modern political civilization and the rule of law, the church as a way of life for citizens, the Gospel and oppression, and the challenges facing the pulpits in Mainland China's urban setting.

Published in 2023.



Liberty for Captives: Documenting the Stories of Contemporary Chinese Women

This collection of essays is a non-fiction documentary work about women in China, written during the author's two-year assignment as a reporter. It records the often subtle and delicate real voices of actual women in contemporary China, in the hopes that more women will be seen, listened to, and inspired to persevere, whatever their stories.

Published in 2022.


《直面撕裂 ——中国基督徒的信仰挑战》

Facing the Tear: The Challenges of Chinese Christians

The world is torn apart. It is reflected both in the struggles of nations and in the inner struggles of people. Of course, it is also reflected in the church community. Based on the cornerstone of the Christian faith, young scholar Wang Jun analyzes the impact of Chinese culture on Christians from both historical and practical perspectives, confronting the tear and searching for a way out with readers.

Published in 2021.


《用爱心说诚实话——2020 年美国大选观察与省思 》

Speaking the Truth in Love: Perspectives on the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

Fake news and conspiracy theories abound, so how can Christians be discerning? How can churches pursue unity in the face of differing political positions? What kind of public theology do we need? How can we live out what we believe for the glory of God and the good of others?

Published in 2021.


《公义与良善 ——自由民主的十字架路标》

The Reason for Freedom: Modern Societies and Christian Values

Written by Shen Yang, a young Chinese political scientist, this book compares the political cultures of today's world and provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between Christian civilization and modern society.

Published in 2019.


Interested in copies of any of these titles? Let us know below, and we'll be in touch as soon as we are able.

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