Resources in the arts, ranging from poetry and novels to posters and videos, designed for serious engagement and consideration.


All titles are available in Simplified Chinese only, unless otherwise noted.



Contemporary Chinese Christian Poem Selection

This book is a selection of poetry masterpieces by 27 well-known Christian poets from home and abroad. Their ages, backgrounds, and life experiences are very different, but the verses flowing from their pens show readers the same power of truth, goodness, and beauty. They write their own experience and understanding of life, the world, and life with sincere emotions, poetic language with personal characteristics, and knowledge of the Gospel of Christ.

Published in 2023.



Exile from Eden

This full-length novel depicts the story of a group of young- and middle-aged intellectuals living in Beijing in the mid-1990s, zealously pursuing life goals, real love, and above all, their souls. The novel wrestles with questions of life and death, sin and conscience, love and money, and marriage and ethics while recounting the spiritual and intellectual journey of a generation living in a time of significant socioeconomic change in China.

Published in 2023.



Shining at Day, Lantern at Night

This novel tells the story of two teenagers born in rural Hunan during the Reform and Opening period in mainland China. After a life of studying, falling in love, working, and getting married, they were finally baptized into Jesus Christ and began to spread the gospel in their homeland. As they did, they encountered people living in the shadow of death, toil, poverty, and humiliation. Where there had been no hope and no sense of God, now a light was shining among them.

Published in 2023.


《现代世界中的怕与爱 ——对电影《瞬息全宇宙》的刨析、反思与回应》

Fear and Love in the Modern World: A Reflection and Response to the Movie "Everything Everywhere All At Once"

The author takes an innovative approach to this “kaleidoscopic” movie, interpreting it from philosophical, sociological and theological perspectives. By analyzing the plot and interpreting the imagery of the film, the author looks at the triviality, monotony and flatness of everyday life to restore the richness, multifacetedness and overlapping of the real world itself.

Published in 2025.



By Faith They Still Speak video series

Through the exchange of letters filled with true feelings, we will see the joys and sorrows of Christians in different capacities and different eras who testify to their faith, hope, and love amid life and death, or ordinary life, as well as to their faith in Christ Jesus.

Watch all episodes on YouTube:
Season 1: Simplified / Traditional | Season 2: Simplified / Traditional



Still Speaking: Faith that Can't Be Locked Down

Zhang Qiang, the director of our video series By Faith They Still Speak, wrote this book as a way of connecting the lesser-known sides of eight historical Christian figures with his own lived experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Join him in connecting with the pain and love of the martyr Lizzie Atwater; be inspired by William Edward Soothill's missionary work; reflect on Hudson Taylor and the "Yangzhou Riot"; and consider the cultural concerns of people like C.S. Lewis, Vincent Van Gogh, and Zhang Xiaofeng. Through this work, Zhang Qiang will guide you through history and into the present to help you see that the one who controls history is still speaking to us in today's uncertain and divided world.

Published in 2023.



Chinese Christian Posters

In early 2024, ReFrame Ministries received a generous donation of 20 historical Chinese Christian posters that were carefully restored and prepared for exhibition. The posters in this collection belonged to Rev. Albert and Trina Selles, who served as missionaries to China from 1925 to 1949. They used the posters as tools for teaching and evangelism.

Find out more at, and learn more about these posters through this video.


Interested in copies of any of these titles? Let us know below, and we'll be in touch as soon as we are able.

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