How You’re Impacting the Hurting
Justin Sterenberg • March 16, 2025

One of the most impactful blog posts on our Groundwork podcast’s website also has one of the most heartbreaking titles. “Does God Hate Me?” regularly ranks as one of the highest visited pages on Groundwork’s site, and almost all of those visits come from people who are searching that phrase, or something similar, online. It’s one of those statistics that consistently stops me in my tracks, as my mind inevitably wanders and considers the state of mind of the individuals who would be typing that into Google.
The question also serves as a reminder of how grateful I am for the funding model of ReFrame Ministries. The donors that support our ministry allow us to create this theologically-rich content, and provide it to end users without cost. I imagine how different it would look if the answer to “Does God Hate Me?” was behind a website paywall or tucked away in a $19.99 e-course.
The anonymity of connecting online through a media ministry has its advantages, as it allows people to ask deeply vulnerable questions like “Does God Hate Me?” However, it also presents challenges for both content creators and donors. I can tell you how many people viewed that post in the last calendar year, where the traffic came from, and which day saw the highest number of visits. What I can’t tell you is how many of those people then walked into a church that Sunday when they otherwise wouldn’t have, how many were stopped from making regrettable decisions, or how many felt the Holy Spirit’s presence shortly after reading it.
We work continuously to clearly define specific returns for the resources we create, whether that is time or money. We want to ensure that we honor and steward what God has given us.However, we should be cautious if the only causes we support are those with clear, measurable outcomes, especially if they appeal to us partially because of our culture’s focus on a consumerist mindset.
While the anonymity that makes media ministry so valuable for listeners or readers also creates a more difficult way to measure returns with data alone, there is an incredible necessity for felt-need resources that will reach hurting individuals. I deeply appreciate the donors who make it possible for us to create this content, enabling those in need to quickly search for and discover Bible-based answers at no cost. Donors like you demonstrate remarkable courage by giving and embracing the wonder and mystery in how the Holy Spirit works through our ministry to touch the individual lives of those who receive it.
If this mission resonates with you, consider joining us in sharing the hope and truth of God’s word with those searching for answers. Your support helps us create both meaningful, Bible-based content that we can measure and also creates opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work in ways we may never fully see. Together, we can touch hearts and change lives by sharing God’s story through today’s media. To partner with us, click the link below to donate.