Letter From Kurt Selles, Director

Years ago, during our time as missionaries in China, our family experienced a troubling incident. When a thief entered our daughter’s room through the window, it left us feeling exposed and anxious about our safety. Our daughter even asked us to close her window off with bricks.

Yet we found solace both through physical security measures—a watchdog joined our family shortly after the incident—and through the faithful protection promised in Psalm 91.

This psalm assures us that God shields and protects his children from harm and delivers them from their troubles. This promise has been a source of strength and reassurance during times of adversity.

As you read this annual report, I hope you’ll see ways in which your support has provided not only physical protection offered in faith-based communities around the world but also renewed faith in God’s unwavering care. I pray it reminds you that, despite the challenges you and your Christian brothers and sisters faced this past year, God is with us. He’s ready to answer our prayers and guide us through difficult times.

Thank you for your steadfast support and prayers. Your kindness has made a lasting impact on seekers and believers around the world, and we are truly grateful for each one of you.

In Christ,

Kurt Selles, director

P.S. Your support has offered rest to people who were weary, ensuring that in Christ we can face each day with renewed hope and trust.

Kurts letter
Finding Rest in Devotionals

In July 2024’s Today devotional series, "Sleep and Dreams in the Bible," Rev. Selles shared meditations about rest and dreams in the Bible. Because of our partners across North America, these devotions reached hundreds of thousands of online subscribers and print-devotional readers, including new readers and long-time readers like Mia.

"Your writings reach my mind and heart," Mia wrote. "In this sometimes sad world that we live in, your writings make me remember that Jesus is there to help us along the way. I’m praying that God’s goodness, peace, and love spread across the globe and that people follow Christ’s teachings."


Financial Update

Please note- this section will be updated to also include a PDF with financial statements as soon as they are finalized


Donor Impact: By the Numbers

  • 10 major languages

  • Reaching 53 countries through radio, TV, and print

  • 6,377 donors and 402 volunteers

  • 24 ministry websites and 73 social media pages

  • 47 audio programs and 49 video programs

  • 331,031 devotional emails sent daily

  • 7,800 Prayer Warriors


I Will Give You Rest

Click the tabs below to see how our different ministry teams are providing rest in the Most High (Psalm 91:1) around the world this year.


In Egypt, many Sunday school teachers and church leaders work countless hours to prepare for summer. It’s one of the most important times of the year for forming the faith of young Christians who grow up in the Muslim-majority culture of Egypt. Many churches host a popular series of events similar to vacation Bible school.

This year, your support made this preparation much less difficult. You helped to provide new Arabic Sunday school materials that will be used in churches throughout the Presbyterian Church of Egypt.

Girl in Egypt


When ReFrame's Chinese ministry leader Jerry An visited China last fall, it was the first time he set foot on his home country’s soil in four years. His goal is to share the gospel with Chinese speakers around the world using media. As your Chinese ministry partners mark 50 years of ministry in partnership with you, Jerry recently reflected on his return to China and what he saw as opportunities and challenges in this rapidly changing mission field.

Your support for ReFrame has allowed Jerry and the rest of your Chinese ministry partners to adapt to these changes as well. Our printed books and online components—when available to publish safely—offer theological leaders an opportunity to dig deeper into what it means to be a Christian in today’s society. They help Chinese speakers answer tough questions about their faith, and they offer biblical responses to current events in China and the greater world.

Street in China


About 2,500 women have joined a private Facebook group facilitated by our English ministry program team at Family Fire. In the group, women can openly and safely share their deep struggles in abusive marriages, with addictions, and about other family-related issues. Because of your support, they receive pastoral care from Family Fire team members and prayers from their peers.

“Thank you so much, Family Fire, for everything you do for us,” wrote one Facebook group member. "giving us a platform where we can come and bring our prayers to God, and to Him alone. It is a privilege to have leaders like you walking with us, praying, and encouraging us on this path, on earth, which is called life. I love your ministry and all your prayers for all of us.”

women in group


As people in the Muslim-majority country of Burkina Faso continue to suffer from violence and displacement, they look for answers to why they are suffering. With your help, many are finding the good news of Jesus through new radio programs that your support helps to produce. As listeners hear the good news of hope in Christ, they begin to experience a sense of peace and rest despite their tragic situation.

"My soul was longing for God," shared one listener named Bazie, who visited our discipleship staff. "I did not know what to do; the sermon on the radio enlightened me, so I decided to give myself to Him."

Women praying at church in West Africa


Hindu nationalism continues to be on the rise in India’s political system, leaving Christians feeling weary and fearful for their well-being—and even for their lives in many areas. That’s why you and other partners have faithfully prayed for and supported media ministry there.

This year, your support has reached new people through growing social media groups, YouTube videos, and traditional radio messages. All of these media resources have the potential to reach people like Ahlad, who do not have the support of a faith community. The only believer in his family, Ahlad found ReFrame’s programs after searching online for messages of strength and conviction to help guide him in his newfound faith.

women at house church in India


Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country in the world. But your gifts are helping seekers hear the good news through new social media gospel programs and equipping Sunday school teachers with new resources to disciple young believers.

“Thank you so much for the teachings, pastors,” shared one YouTube viewer. “The ideas you share are very helpful for Sunday school teachers like me who are running out of ideas. God bless your ministry.”

Muslim women in Indonesia


Japan has made headlines recently because of its aging and shrinking population. Yet believers in Japan have a deep faith that comes with a deep hope. That hope is evident in ReFrame’s online videos featuring the people, sights, and sounds of communities of believers in Japan. Meanwhile, radio listeners share a similar enthusiasm for the gospel messages they hear.

“I listened to your broadcast with great excitement,” shared one ReFrame listener. “I am grateful to Jesus for leading me to church after half a century, and to everyone at the church who accepted me. If you are a listener who is unsure about going to church, why not take this opportunity to go to church?”

People at church in Japan


About 1,500 mothers, fathers, and children gathered for a retreat, renewal, and practical learning about how they could apply biblical principles in their family life. The annual family conference hosted by your Portuguese ministry partners is restoring marriages and families for people like Fábio.

“My relationship with my wife was not very good,” Fábio shared. “But now I want to tell you that God is doing something very wonderful in our home. I changed my attitude, and my family has changed. Actually, the problem was me, and I thank God He made me see that. Thank you, pastor, for your advice, which helped me a lot.”

Woman at family conference in Brazil


Thanks to support from generous donors like you, your partners in Russian language ministry began a new call-in program this year for people who are weary from the ongoing war in Ukraine..

Ukrainian Refugee woman


Between extreme heat waves, gang violence, and political unrest in Mexico, many Spanish speakers there seek rest in the Lord. Your support makes it possible to access the gospel anywhere on smartphones and radios, along with the print devotional guide Cada Día.

“Thank you for encouraging our hearts and bringing us closer to God’s Word,” said a woman named Juanita. “May God bless you always.”

Man listening to phone