Your Prayers Have Impact

Without your prayers, this ministry wouldn’t happen. Please join us in praying for people who have not yet heard the Gospel. Pray that God will use ReFrame Ministries to help grow His church worldwide!


This Month's Prayer Requests


English Ministry – Today devotional: Maria reads the Today devotions and asks for prayers: “I’m a lonely, divorced, disabled 73-year-old woman living alone. I’m trying to renew my faith, but I’m struggling to focus.”

Japanese Ministry – Japan: Fumio has been listening to ReFrame’s morning devotional programs and journaling each day. He wrote, “The devotional reflections answer the questions I’m worried about on a daily basis and make me feel refreshed.” Praise God for Fumio’s growing faith.

French Ministry – Benin: Issa discovered ReFrame’s French ministry broadcast, leading him to God. Despite being part of a Muslim-majority village, he now attends a Christian church weekly. His wife opposes his faith in Christ. Pray for Issa’s family unity, his faith journey, and an upcoming meeting he will have with ReFram

Worldwide: On Ascension Day, May 9, the worldwide church begins a season of longing for Jesus’ return. Pray that God’s people around the world will continue forward with the Great Commission, as found in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8, sharing the good news of Jesus in all languages.

Portuguese Ministry – Brazil: Pray for Lorena, who follows our Portuguese ministry programs in Brazil. She writes, “I’m grateful for your biblical teachings that uplift me. In 2020, amidst battling breast cancer, I found God. . . . Now healed, I am blessed by your sermons on overcoming struggles. . . . Pray for continued health and Christ’s glory through my life.”